Water Pump with gaskets

3 years warranty febi
Impeller material
Impeller material:
Grey Cast Iron
Grey Cast Iron
No. of Impellers / Fan Blades
No. of Impellers / Fan Blades:
Sealing Material
Sealing Material:
Sealing Material
Sealing Material:
rubber / metal
Technical Information

Selected Language / Multilanguage

Comparison Number(s)
Suitable to replace Reference(s)
Daimler Buses (EvoBus) 364 200 20 01 64 | 364 200 14 01 | 364 200 20 01
Mercedes-Benz Agrar 364 200 20 01 64 | 364 200 14 01 | 3642002001
Mercedes-Benz Trucks 364 200 20 01 64 | 364 200 14 01 | 364 200 00 01 | 364 200 01 01 | 364 200 09 01 | 364 200 20 01 | 374 200 00 01 | 990 200 02 00
Used In Vehicles